For information about Imagine STEM Academy Summer code camp for Kids, including online coding and gaming topics, visit:
Coding is amazing and can be so much fun for kids, however, before we jump into our free coding program for your kids let’s look quickly at why coding is so much important for your kids.
Why the rave about Coding?
Did you know that software engineers globally are certainly, one of the world’s top 5 earners, with about $80,000 per year?
According to theedadvocate STEM subjects through technology and the need for creativity go hand-in-hand.
Firstly, technology provides the opportunity for learners of STEM to be more creative. Students have the opportunity to build virtual models of their devices, programs, robots, and other gadgets. Also, participating schools and students have consistently seen an increase in creativity, growth, and team development.
The long-term financial and career success for STEM graduates is much rewarding, furthermore, it has been seen globally that a great way for kids to get involved with STEM is to have them start young!
Why You Should Take Advantage Of Our FREE Coding Session?
The benefits of learning to code are numerous. One of which is that we now live in a digital world, and sound knowledge of technology for every child is an added value every parent would desire for their kids.
At the academy, you can take advantage of our introductory FREE coding Session for kids within the age of 4-17.
This is an in-depth coding lesson designed to teach all participants the foundation of coding by creating their first game and animation.
i recommend you start by signing up your kids here, a date for your online lesson will be communicated to your email, and a reminder also, forwarded to your phone.
Coding Session Requirements
- The session is only available online to all participants
- We recommend a good laptop also, with a support for camera
- With the support of an adult or parent, kids are expected to connect with their laptops.
- Furthermore, we recommend a good internet connection
- A headset or earpiece with effective audio support
Here are more reasons why your kids should join other learners learning to code today.
- Firstly, coding for kids are taught in a fun an engaging way
- It’s easier to learn a new skill if you see someone else learning as well
- There are bunch of courses to pick from
- Kids get to explore several technologies from robotics to mobile app and game development
- Kids get personal access to instructors for support, which guarantees constant feedback and growth
- The skills acquired through coding reflects on other academic subjects positively
Almost everything around us has code in it!
In other words, coding is as essential as learning arithmetic and delivers more cognitive skills required for improved performance in every child’s learning.
You can spark that creativity in your child today! In conclusion, you can get started by joining any of our programs: Weekend or After school program today. Can’t wait take a dive in >> FREE CODING FOR KIDS 6-17 YEARS OLD