Annual Open House




ISA Open House 3.0 – TECH TOGETHER!

Focuses on helping Parents and Students between the age of 4-17 explore the dynamic landscape of technology and education at ISA’s Open House 2023. Our theme, “Navigating Tech Together,” invites parents and children to join hands in fostering a safe and enriching experience in the digital realm.


We believe every child has what it takes to be creative and as well shape their future.

This year we take a dive into:

🤖 Interactive Robotics Showcase

🎮 Tips on smart Learning for Young Minds

🔍 Explore the Future of Tech for children

🧩 Fun Tech Games

 🕶️ Virtual Reality

🎁 Prizes and Giveaways


I.S.A – In The News

Imagine STEM Academy (I.S.A) has reiterated its commitment in creating awareness for the possibility of children to be global creative providers instead of consumers while developing their problem-solving skills through soft and hardware technology skill sets. Read up on Independent news